Visit The world Of
Michael G Kimber
The - New - Nightwriter
The Kings Lynn Debate.
Sub Title - The Joys of Caravanning.
It's raining cats and dogs again,
just like when we arrived.
Our hosts they warmly welcomed us,
saying "glad that you survived"
"We nearly were all goners here,"
They said without much glee.
"Just look what happened over there,
when the lightning hit that tree."
Pointing up with shaky hands,
eyes cast toward the mark.
Where nature, in its blackest mood,
had stripped it clean of bark.
Well that was just the start of it,
a glimpse of what might come.
For as the soggy days went by,
we had ev'rything but sun.
The wind it blew our awnings down,
the rain washed out the field.
The wheels sank down to axle deep,
and to pushing would not yield.
Despite it all we trudged around;
to local shops and places.
To view the sights all round and see,
Kings Lynn and all its graces
But now it's time to wend our way,
the holiday behind us.
And say goodbye to all our friends,
with photo's to remind us.
“Safe journey home” we say to all,
as one by one they go.
“We've had a smashing time,” we call,
“see you somewhere soon, we know.”
And so another rally's done,
with friendship's bond's entwining.
Forgotten now the wind and rain,
for look; the sun is shining.