Visit The world Of
Michael G Kimber
The - New - Nightwriter
About me!
Not a lot to say about me; I'm an ordinary guy, not rich but 'getting by' (to half quote Brittish PM). I've always had a leaning towards artistic things. As a young man after serving five years in the RAF where I saw a bit of the world I discovered photography, a hobby which endured for many years and which ultimately led me to became President of the Leeds Camera Club. One of the many benefits of that position was that I was often invited to judge competitions of work by members of other Camera Clubs and Photographic Societies. That taught me how to be critical and complimentary at the same time. No-one likes being put down
After that I took up painting which in many ways was even more satisfying, relying less on the technical aspects as in photography, and more on whatever artistic skills I had. The years were going by (as they do) and I was drifting gently towards retirement which, as it transpired, came a little sooner than expected due to a 'dicky' heart. (but it's still gently ticking away)
I have always loved music, classical for preference; but folk music and Country and Western are also high on my 'favourites' list, as are most of the 'musicals' from Broadway and the West End. Indeed, I love good singing in most of its genres. Good singing is good singing however it comes, but in particular I like Opera. Opera I feel is where all the arts come together.
When eventually retirement arrived I took up writing - and here we are. I make no claims as to it's efficacy; that's up to those who are generous enough (or brave enough) to read it.
Perhaps that person may be you? If so I would much appreciate it if you would spend a minute or two to let me know. (See the 'Contact Me' page) My only reward for the many many hours spent at my desk is the hope that at least some of you will enjoy at least some of my writings!
Best wishes and thank you; Michael G Kimber