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Michael G Kimber
The - New - Nightwriter
Reg. And Mrs Parkes.
“Hello; is that Mrs Parkes?”
“Yeees; who’s calling?”
“It’s Reg Mrs Parks - Is Katie in?”
“Katie? Oh you must mean Catherine.”
“..............................................Yes - I guess.”
“And you are; did you say Reginald?”
“...............................................Reg; Oh yes; Reginald.”
“Is Catherine expecting you to call?”
“............Er............yes; no; I mean; I’m not sure.”
“Well I’ll just go and see if she wishes to speak to you.”
“I think she will; we’re going out..........we’re going out tonight.”
“Yes; I think she might have mentioned you, but she didn’t say anything about you going out. What do you mean - ‘going out’?
“We’re an item, going out together. She’s my girlfriend. Is she in please Mrs Parkes?”
“No, as a matter of fact I think she went out just before you rang.”
“But you said you would tell her I was here.”
“Yes; that was careless of me, sorry. I will tell her you called.”
“Mrs Parkes............ Mrs Parkes is there something wrong?.
“Something wrong Mr. ...........what is your name?”
“I meant your surname.”
“My name is Reg Mrs Parkes. Katie knows me as Reg.”
“Catherine Mr ................Reginald.”
“Whatever. She told me her name was Katie.”
“Well it’s Catherine. Now; is that all?”
“What is it Mrs Parkes. Don’t you like me or something. Has Katie - Catherine - said something?”
“No, not really Mr.......what is your name?”
“It’s just that I don’t think your suitable Mr Batley.”
“Suitable for what Mrs Parkes?”
“As a suitor for my daughter.”
“A suitor?”
“Yes a suitor. I think she needs to be more selective.”
“I’m not asking her to marry me Mrs Parkes. We are just going out; having a good time, we like each other. No one is talking about the future. And anyway, why am I unsuitable as a suitor? Katie, er sorry, Catherine likes me. Even you might like me.”
“Oh, I doubt it. She tells me you picked her up in a pub; is that true?”
“We met in a pub, yes. Lots of people meet in pubs.”
“Not our kind of people.”
“I’m beginning to think that it is not me who is unsuitable Mrs Parkes.”
“Not I, Mr Batley, not I”
“Never Mind.”
“Oh’ Hello dear.” - “Thank you for calling, good by.”
“Hello mother, who’s that on the phone?”
“Mrs Parkes, Mrs Parkes; is that Katie I can hear; can I speak to her please?”
“Thank you young man - perhaps another time.”
“Who was that mother? I'm expecting my boyfriend to ring anytime soon.”
“Oh I think it was one of those double glazing firms. Rather uncouth really. Now, what are we going to do this evening? ”