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Michael G Kimber
The - New - Nightwriter
Illusions of love.
Only I can see my reflections in your eyes.
No one else will ever see them,
or will ever know what I see when we are face to face.
Are we searching for something,
something missing; something illusive.
Does your heart really beat for me
as mine beats for you
when we are together.
Are you a shimmering mirage, A shimmering light,
or just a fluke of nature. so near, but just too far to touch.
Sometimes it seems you’re like a rainbow.
I can see you but I can’t get close.
You’re over there, somewhere else,
beckoning; beckoning, With tempting lips,
but always out of reach.
And yet you will not leave me,
nor will you let me go.
We rotate in each other’s shadow
as we dance and sway, held fast.
Held fast by something that binds us,
invisibly: more than the touching of lips.
Perhaps we are echo’s;
echo’s of past loves, lost;
clinging to something that we can’t release,
and that will not release us. Despite your closeness
it seems we are forever distant, distant and ever wondering.
I feel that you feel the same? Are we really searching?,
Searching for something illusive, you and I.
Like ships that pass in the night.
Are we but stops along the way?
Briefly to come alive like the Flying Dutchman,
searching before we are gone.
Searching; searching still!