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Michael G Kimber
The - New - Nightwriter
The Dark Side Of The Moon
The moon we see is bright and clear,
it lights the night and cheers our soul.
For though it moves through wax and wane,
it's ever constant, ever whole.
But what about the other side,
the side that we will never see.
Always dark and sinister,
the devil's den, a place to flee.
No travellers have their footsteps left,
or from it seen another world.
Nor have they kissed that foreign soil,
or left their mark, a flag unfurled.
No lovers gaze or poets muse,
its secrets safe for eons past,
at that dark world where none can see,
or from it see the stellar vast.
For as creation placed it there,
a faithful stranger in the sky,
Its dark side warns that just like he,
we all have dark sides, you and I
Next time you see it, pale and thin;
or high and full and shining bright,
Remember there's another side,
condemned to darkness, always night.
A little poetic licence applied here.
The other side of the moon is not dark,
except in our imagination