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Michael G Kimber
The - New - Nightwriter
The Ties That Bind
Time goes by and the thread weakens.
Without the smile or friendly word,
the ties that bind unwind.
Time and distance may separate,
as can an unresponsive heart;
to sever us from those we love,
and from those whose ancestors we share.
But need it be? For if the will is there,
in every passing moment we may unite.
Time may indeed be the sum of all lifetimes,
or maybe just a fleeting moment -
that eternity after a careless word,
when what is said cannot be unsaid.
Don’t let that moment go when "I'm sorry"
could hold back the inexorable tide of hurt,
and close the yawning gap which threatens to divide.
For distance may be half a silken thread,
or twice the Milky Way.
But it might be the person by your side,
yet seeming just as far away?
For you, who are blood of my blood,
whose genes come from a common seed,
are joined by a force unchangeable,
no matter our pride and prejudice.
And yet, though that is fixed and cannot be undone,
it may exist unknown; unseen.
But what if another thread entwines,
and gathers in those who reach for it.
Let not time or distance, anger or jealousy,
thoughtless words or lack of understanding,
fray that slender thread. And let not the thread break,
for once parted those shattered ends may never be rejoined.